EL grupo de TortugasCW estaràn activos en el concurso de S.M. REY DE ESPAÑA en CW los pròximos 20 y 21 de Mayo con el indicativo ED9T, y fuera del concurso como EG9TOR.
Mikel, EA2CW inform dxnews.com, that 10 Radio Amateurs members of Tortugas CW Group will be active from Melilla 18 – 21 May 2017 as EG9TOR.
During the King of Spain CW Contest 20 – 21 May 2017 they will use special call ED9T.
Team – Toni EA4PN, Dany EA3NN, Xavi EA3HSJ, Felipe EA4GMX, Juan Carlos EA5UF, Jaume EA5IHK, Jose Luis EA4JJ, Kin EA3CV, Gul EA8ZT and Mikel EA2CW.
Before contest they will operate on HF Bands mainly CW.
QSL via EA4PN.
Ads for direct QSL:
Antonio Moreno Valenciano, Villajimena 77 4º C, Madrid 28032, Spain.
Melilla. EG9TOR ED9T Logo.
Melilla. EG9TOR ED9T.